PCE INSTRUMENTS PCE RAM 8 - PCE-RAM 8 radiation meter

183,97 €   + 9,95 €   
PCE Instruments PCE-RAM 8 radiation meter
  • Gamma, beta and X-rays
  • Dose measurement
  • Cumulative radiation measurement
  • Display in µSv/h and µR/h
  • Adjustable audible alarm
  • Battery operation

Product benefits:
The radiation meter is a high-precision instrument developed for the detection of gamma, beta and X-rays. With its sensitive detection technology, it enables reliable measurement and monitoring of the radiation environment. Dose measurement is a central aspect of the radiation meter. The radiation meter allows precise determination of the radiation dose and enables cumulative radiation measurement over a defined period of time. These features are critical to assessing radiation exposure and meeting safety-related standards. The results of the radiation measurements are displayed on the easy-to-read display in microsievert per hour (µSv/h) and microx-rays per hour (µR/h). ...
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REICHELT IE 183,97 € 9,95 € 193,92 €