DYMO LM 280K - DYMO labelling machine/portable in case

113,65 €   + 9,95 €   
DYMO LabelManager 280 in practical case

The LabelManager 280 helps you with various labelling tasks. Operate the device on a standalone basis or via your computer. Connect the LabelManager 280 to your PC or Mac and use the DYMO Label™ software to create numerous personal designs.

• QWERTZ keyboard similar to a computer
• Keys for quick formatting
• Logical key layout makes each label easier and faster to make — from start to print
• Keys for special characters, currencies and other symbols
• Large WYSIWYG display
• Three fonts, six font sizes, six styles, nine borders and underlining as well as no restrictions when operated via your computer
• 220 symbols and clip art
• Remembers last label and stores up to nine labels
• Automatic power-off
• For DYMO-D1 labels 6, 9 and 12 mm in width

Includes robust case, rechargeable battery, charger adapter, 1 x D1 12-mm tape (black-on-white) and 1 x D1 9-mm tape (black-on-transparent). ...
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Sold by Item price Delivery Total price  
REICHELT IE 113,65 € 9,95 € 123,60 €