Arizer Solo Iii Vaporizer - Intergalactic

305,10 €   + 58,00 €   
Boasting groundbreaking advances in our heating technology, a new & improved operating system with large color display, Session Mode with new programmable Preset Temps, new On Demand Mode, our new XL Glass Pod system with double capacity & increased airflow, USB-C Charging, Use While Charging, and an impressive 3 hours of battery life per charge! Instantly extract more flavor and aroma in a velvety smooth & tasty vapor. Equipped with cutting-edge Instant Heating Ceramic Convection Technology, the Solo III heats up in 5-15 seconds and heats botanicals more evenly with a finely-tuned hybrid heat ratio of 80% Convection, 20% Conduction.  Included: 1 x Solo III Multi-Purpose Portable Heater 1 x Solo III Owner's Manual 1 x USB-C Charger (5v, 3A) 1 x XL Glass Aroma Tube (90mm) 1 x XL Frosted Glass Aroma Tube (14mm) 1 x Air / Solo Glass Aroma Tube (90mm) 1 x Air / Solo Frosted Glass Aroma Tube (14mm) 4 x Air / Solo Silicone Stem Caps 2 x PVC Travel Tube w./ Cap (90mm Size) 2 x PVC Travel Tube w./ Cap (70mm Size) 1 x Stainless Steel Stirring Tool 4 x Air / Solo Stainless Steel Filter Screens Notice to buyers: The product is considered goods in a sealed package that, once opened by the consumer, cannot be returned for hygienic reasons. Therefore, withdrawal from the purchase contract is not permitted. In compliance with applicable regulations, when selling smoking aids and electronic cigarettes online, the seller is required to verify that the buyer is at least 18 years of age. ...
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Sold by Item price Delivery Total price 305,10 € 58,00 € 363,10 €