Endoca Raw Organic Hemp Seed Oil Extra Virgin, 250 Ml

14,00 €   + 58,00 €   
Description Features: 250 ml made from the finest non-GMO hemp seeds cold-pressed and carefully crafted in Endocas GMP certified labs to ensure you receive the highest quality mild and nutty oil packed with healthy omegas 3, 6 and 9 9 essential amino acids low in salt, saturated fat and sugar ideal for vegans and vegetarians Ingredients: 100% raw organic extra virgin hemp seed oil Suggested use: serving size 2 tsp (10 g) use in salads and vegetable dishes use it raw of slightly heated not suitable for frying add to dressings suitable for everyday use store in a cool dry place. avoid exposure to heat or sunlight Please note: Always consult your doctor before before modifying or using any new product. Do not exceed directions for use or use this product as a substitute for a varied diet. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.   ...
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Canatura.com 14,00 € 58,00 € 72,00 €