L-Nutra Italia S.r.l. ProLon® 5-Day Variety 2 / One Time Purchase

179,00 €   free shipping   
Everything you need for your 5-day fast with food. ProLon is designed and clinically tested by 14 global universities to nourish your body with premium quality plant-based food, while inducing the cellular, metabolic, and emotional benefits of prolonged fasting. Nutrition technology that gives you the benefits of prolonged fasting – with food! Transformation in 5-day cycles - 5 days on, 25 days off! Optimal results seen with 3 consecutive cycles. Patented for its healthy aging effects - cellular rejuvenation and autophagy. Fat-focused weight loss, improved sense of well-being, changed relationship with food. Healthy, younger-looking skin - reduced fine lines & wrinkles in 3 cycles of ProLon. ...
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Prolon IE 179,00 € free shipping 179,00 €